Main changes/measures to prevent and control the SARS-Cov-2 outbreak (Covid19)

  • There will be at least 1 hour between group appointments (from a group leaving until another group enters) for complete disinfection of surfaces and equipment used in the previous game, so it is still mandatory to make advance appointments (to plan these safety intervals ).
  • The use of a certified mask (employees and clients) is mandatory throughout the arena.
  • It is mandatory to measure the body temperature at the entrance (employees and customers).

Note: From a temperature of 37.5°C, you cannot enter the space.

  • It is mandatory to disinfect hands at the entrance of the Arena and at other times that justify it. To this end, we make available alcoholic-based antiseptic solution or alcohol-based solution dispensers at the entry/exit points, and where applicable, in places where any drinks can be distributed, as well as liquid soap for hand washing and paper towels , in all sanitary facilities.
  • It is mandatory to maintain social distance inside the premises, so we changed the briefing area (the old room was closed and a larger room was made so that there is social distancing at the briefing), entry into the premises will be done individually, with participants going to the new briefing room and will occupy their previously delimited space. Entrance to the game area will also be made individually, following markings on the floor (so that our employees do not enter the game area) and will occupy their marked spaces on the base, continuing to maintain social distance.

Note: The game itself and its rules will lead to a natural social distance within the game area.

  • It is mandatory to disinfect shoes at the entrance to the game area (employees and customers).
  • Compliance with respiratory etiquette standards is mandatory.
  • The disinfection of individual vests and blasters will be done before the participants enter the arena and right at the end of the game, with an alcoholic hydra solution. Daily life jackets will undergo another form of disinfection, for which the jackets are placed in an ozone-based disinfection room.
  • We have created an isolation room for people who can be detected as suspected cases or confirmed cases of COVID-19.
  • Several times a day we guarantee the washing and disinfection of surfaces (including toilet) and objects in common use (including counters, light switches and door handles) where employees and customers circulate (also applying a 70% alcohol-based solution), ensuring the control and prevention of infections and resistance to antimicrobials.

Note: All material used in carrying out the activities must be disinfected after each use.

  • Windows were opened inside the game area to guarantee the ar renewal of the entire space (they will only be open when there are no participants playing).
  • Through the “Clean & Safe” certification of our arena, specific training was given to all contributors on: Internal Protocol Relating to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak; How to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions for the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, including procedures; How to comply with daily self-monitoring to assess fever, check for cough or difficulty breathing; How to comply with the guidelines of the General Directorate of Health for cleaning surfaces and treatment of clothing and equipment.
  • Conduct/commitment of our employees: Daily self-monitoring to assess fever, existence of cough or difficulty breathing. From the moment they enter the space, it is mandatory to wear a mask and disinfect shoes. Distance between employees will be maintained, avoiding physical contact, including handshakes. The excessive use of personal adornments (bracelets, threads, rings, etc.) is not recommended.
  • Always thinking about the maximum security of our customers we limited the groups to a maximum of 10 participants (although according to the DGS, which limits 0.05 people per m2, we can have 25 people inside the premises), we closed the snack room and “coffee break”, we closed the locker room and we changed the available game options, and from now on the game can only be played in two possibilities:

35-minute game (with a certified mask offer): Value: €10 per person
60 minutes game(with a break of 5 minutes halfway through, with no one being allowed to leave the playing area)
(with a certified mask offer): Price: €15 per person

Note: all other options are currently suspended.

  • Since we do not have a MB service, we would appreciate it if you try to pay with the right amount, with the aim of exchange money as less as possible.


  • We will make all this information available, within the scope of the activity, both on the premises and in digital/online support.
  • We will ensure compliance with all recommendations that are issued and updated by the DGS, as well as compliance with the internal protocol, both by us and by partners involved in the activities, if necessary.

To consult the complete protocol click here…


With the safety and trust of our customers in mind, WE HAVE ALREADY OBTAINED our “Clean & Safe” seal, certification awarded by Turismo de Portugal

We will comply with all DGS requirements and guidelines, considering our HEALTHY, SAFE space and COMPLIANT with the Prevention, Control and Surveillance procedures, relating to the COVID-19 outbreak